Land Registration, Legal Certainty And MeasurementAbstract
Land registration is an important legal process in the ownership of property. In many countries, land registration is done through the land registration agency or the National Land Agency (BPN). In Indonesia, land registration is carried out through an online system using the ATR/BPN application managed by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency. The issues raised are how the implementation of the online land registration system through the ATR/BPN application can ensure the legal certainty of land registration before PPAT and how the obstacles and challenges in the implementation of online land registration through the ATR/BPN application can affect the legal certainty of land registration before PPAT, the theory used by The Theory of legal certainty from Gustav Radbruch and the theory of authority from H.D Stoud. The method used in this study is normative legal research is legal research literature or secondary data with sources of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The approach used legislation approach, case approach, conceptual approach and analytical approach. And legal material collection techniques are carried out by identifying and inventorying positive legal rules, book literature, journals and other legal material sources, for legal material analysis techniques (interpretation) grammatical interpretation, systematic interpretation and legal construction methods. From the results of the study it can be obtained that the online land registration system through the ATR/BPN application has the potential to increase the legal certainty of registration in the presence of PPAT. However, it takes a holistic effort to overcome technical and legal challenges, so this system supports the creation of a more reliable and transparent land registry and the constraints and challenges in online land registration through the ATR/BPN application can affect legal certainty. However, the right solutions and collaboration can overcome these barriers. Mature implementation and effective solutions will maintain legal certainty and provide positive benefits in property transactions in the future
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