
  • Kiftiyah STIKES Dian Husada
  • Kurnia Indriyanti Purnama Sari STIKES Dian Husada
  • Nuris Kushayati AKPER Dian Husada



Anxiety, Menopause


Anxiety about facing menopause generally occurs in women entering their 50s. Women experience anxiety if their beauty fades, and they are afraid of losing their husbands because their sexual desire decreases. This can be overcome by increasing women's knowledge about dealing with menopause through health education, so that they can overcome the worries they experience. This activity is to increase knowledge to reduce anxiety in pre-menopausal mothers through education in Wirogunan Pasuruan Village with a target number of 18 pre-menstrual mothers with an age range of 45 – 55 years. The community service method is carried out in three stages, namely the first stage, namely preparation for attendance, TTV examination and pre test. The second stage is presentation of educational material and videos and the third stage of evaluation ends with giving a post test. The results of community service activities are increased knowledge and decreased anxiety of pre-menopausal mothers. Based on the pre-test results, it was found that 44.4% of mothers had good knowledge about the menopause period and 61.1% of mothers experienced mild anxiety. After being given counseling, there was an increase in knowledge and a decrease in anxiety, as many as 66.7% of mothers had good knowledge and 22.2% of mothers had mild anxiety. There was an increase in knowledge among pre-menopausal mothers, as well as a decrease in mothers experiencing mild anxiety. Anxiety education activities through education for menopausal mothers are useful for reducing anxiety, so it is hoped that menopausal mothers will be able to increase knowledge and reduce anxiety of premenopausal mothers.



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