Focus and Scope

EJOIN is a peer-reviewed journal to publish/disseminate scientific works and innovations in the form of scientific articles. This journal concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. This journal accepts and publishes scientific articles focused on community service. The theme of the articles included in the scope (coverage) that can be accepted for publication in this journal, but not restricted, are:

  1. Social
  2. Education
  3. Science
  4. Sports
  5. Language
  6. Business and Economy 
  7. Engineering and Vocational
  8. Art
  9. Health

EJOIN Journal is an applied science paper. An applied science paper is based on original research related to community engagement program. The kind of research depends on your field or the topic of community engagement (a program that has been done, an experiment, the impact of your program, survey, interview, questionnaire, etc.). The research paper will be based on the analysis and interpretation between theory and community engagement program and you need to explain the problems faced by the local community where the program is conducted.

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