Dukungan keluarga, kebutuhan spiritual, intensif care unitAbstract
Patients in critical condition will have various health problems, both physiological and psychological. Care for patients with critical conditions requires spiritual support from family and health workers. Spiritual care is very important to provide because recovery from critical illness and reducing psychological stress will be more effective and efficient. Family support in caring for ICU patients, especially in meeting spiritual needs. The aim of community service is to increase family support in providing support to patients in the intensive care unit. The activity participants were 16 families in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Waiting Room. The implementation method is carried out through pre-test and post-test to measure the fulfillment of spiritual needs in patients. Changes in family habits before and after being given health education showed differences. In the evaluation carried out after being given health education there were significant changes and for the better. This is proven by the number of families who never carry out spiritual support activities for patients who provide spiritual support to patients and the support is always given to make the patient more comfortable and calm. The role of the family in fulfilling the spiritual needs of patients treated in the ICU of the Haji Hospital, East Java Province, which is carried out by the patient's family, is very much needed by the patient to provide comfort and improve the patient's hemodynamic condition.
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