Management, Village Funds, And Non-Physical DevelopmentAbstract
Village Fund Management in Paliat Village, Kelua District, Tabalong Regency in order to achieve development goals, especially in non-physical development effectively and efficiently. With the existence of the Village Fund, the opportunity for development is greater in this case to fulfill the wishes of the community. From the results of observations there are problems, namely the lack of public understanding of transparency or budget reports from the Village Government, lack of community participation in the implementation of non-physical development, and the Not Optimal Process of Implementing Non-physical Development. The purpose of this researcher is to find out the management of Village Funds in increasing non- physical development in Paliat Village, Kelua District, Tabalong Regency and the influencing factors. This study used a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive type. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. The data source was taken through purposive sampling of 13 people. After the data was collected, it was analyzed using techniques including data condensation, data presentation and extension of observations, trigulation, analysis of negative cases, and conducting member checks .The results of the study showed that the management of village funds in Paliat Village, District the two districts of Tabalong Regency is are still not good. Good management can be seen from the planning aspect by formulating activities, the organizing aspect, assigning tasks, and grouping activities from the aspect of activating the division of labor for each. what is desired, the aspect of organizing how to collect human resources from the aspect of mobilizing there is a way to optimize human resources and from the aspect of supervision seen from monitoring and evaluation of performance Factors that influence inhibiting factors management is limited budget funds and less optimal monitoring activities. And the supporting factors for management are good planning by holding village development planning meetings and good division of tasks in an activity, which is under special coordination from the Head of Village Services. In order to improve the management of Village Funds in increasing non-physical development in Paliat Village, Kelua District, it is suggested to the Head of Paliat Village to be further improved in terms of non-physical development as well as providing a personal approach or outreach in planning for further development, and provide clarity of understanding of village fund management reports so that under development can run well. To the BPD to actively carry out supervision. To the community to always participate in participating in the implementation of development, especially training..
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