Customer Loyakty, Brand Image, Religiosity and Islamic Brand LoveAbstract
Customer loyalty can be shown through a positive attitude. A positive attitude towards a product or service by spreading good things and recommending the product to the people around it. Meanwhile, a negative attitude is indicated by spreading negative information about the product and showing an attitude of switching to other products. This paper critically studied the perspective of customer loyalty of Bank Syariah Indonesia in Banda Aceh toward the implementation and enforcement of sharia in Aceh. This study was conducted by quantitative approeaches, the sampling technique used is non-probability sampling. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and distributing questionnaires. This study aims to analyze the antecedents of customer loyalty at Bank Syariah Indonesia in Banda Aceh. The results of the study indicate that Islamic brand image has an effect on customer loyalty of Indonesian Islamic banks in Banda Aceh. Hence, the leader need to consider this antecedent as a strategy to maintain customer loyalty in the future. Customer loyalty based on an Islamic perspective is loyalty that is in accordance with Islamic principles and paradigms. Loyalty based on an Islamic perspective is the implementation of knowledge, worship, especially regarding faith in Allah swt.
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