Body Posture, NBM, REBA and JSAAbstract
CV Barokah Logam Sejahtera is a company engaged in metal casting which is located in Ceper, Klaten, Central Java. As a foundry company, CV Barokah Logam Sejahtera has a mainstay product, namely Grinding Balls. The purpose of this study is to provide recommendations for improving work posture based on the level of complaints using the JSA method and the results of measuring work posture based on the REBA method. The REBA method is a method that measures the entire body posture of workers, which is used to identify MSD's complaints. The JSA method is a method for measuring the level of risk of occupational hazards. Based on this research, the score results obtained on the REBA method, for workers in the smelting section with a REBA score of 8, workers in the casting section with a REBA score of 9 and workers in the finishing section with a score of REBA 7. The REBA score obtained is included in the category of need and needs immediate improvement. After the proposal for improving new posture, the smelting and finishing workers have a REBA score of 3, including the low category that may need improvement. Workers in the casting section with a REBA score of 4 are in the moderate category, the category needs improvement. As for the JSA method, it can be concluded that in the identification of hazards in CV Barokah Logam Sejahtera workers there is a danger of posture ergonomics. The risk assessment before and after being given control recommendations has decreased.
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