Nursing Intervention, Social Isolation, Schizophrenia, Social Skills Training TherapyAbstract
Social isolation is a state of individuals experiencing decreased or even completely unable to interact with other people or the surrounding environment and usually occurs in patients who experience schizophrenia. One of the precipitating factors is a predisposing factor, namely the patient feels unloved by his family, harbors problems alone, feels intimidated, and withdraws. Nursing action that can be given is the promotion of socialization. The purpose of this study was to describe nursing care in socially isolated patients. The study sample was one patient with social isolation in the acute room of one of the psychiatric hospitals in Indonesia. The process of data collection is done by interview, observation, and comparing the patient's medical record data. As for the instrument used is the assessment of psychology. The results showed that patients experienced social isolation. Patients are given socialization promotion nursing intervention and social skills training therapy. Social skill training therapy is conducted for 5 to 10 minutes each meeting. After the intervention for four days, patients began to want to socialize with roommates, patients were able to establish friendships with some two people who are in the same room, patients began to be able to participate in group activities, and patients were able to make choices in planning activities daily activities. Nursing intervention with socialization promotion and social skill training therapy can be given because it is effective in improving the patient's ability to socialize
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