Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education
<p>Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education is a peer-reviewed, open access, and online journal about research, reports, book reviews, and commentaries on all aspects of Economy, Education, Health, Humanities, Religion, Science, & Social studies which is published by LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global. Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education is published quarterly a year, every March, June , September and December with online version of <strong>ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1595829931" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2723-4665</a></strong>.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education</strong> provides open access to anyone so that the information and findings in these articles are useful for everyone. This journal's article content can be accessed and <strong>downloaded for free</strong>, free of charge, following the <strong><a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">creative commons license</a></strong> used. However, suppose the data in this article is used as material in article writing or anything else. In that case, you must quote and include the article author's name in the item being made.</p>LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Globalen-USJurnal Ilmiah Global Education2723-4665Peran Orang Tua Dalam Membimbing Ibadah Shalat Pada Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahu peran orangtua dalam membimbing ibadah shalat anak usia 4-6 tahun di Dusun Bodak Batu Menek. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengumpula data yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, metode wawancara, dan metode dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa 1) peran orangtua dalam membimbing ibadah shalat anak yaitu: a. Orang tua mengajarkan anak dari mula bacaan shalat, menirukan gerakan shalat dan samapai menghapalkan bacaan-bacaan shalat yang sederhana. b. Orang tua membiasakan anak setelah pulang mengajari dari TPQ sesampai dirumah kembali mengevaluasi bacaan shalat dan gerakan shalat anak agara tidak cepat lupa dan supaya terbiasa c. Masing-masing orang tua membiasakan anak-anak mereka untuk melakukan shalat lima waktu sejak usia dini dan membatasi anak-anak mereka saat bermain. 2) Kendala dan solusi yang dihadapi orang tua dalam membimbing ibadah shalat anak yaitu: kendala dalam membimbing ibadah shalat anak yang terutama sebagai orang tua terlalu sibuk dalam melakukan pekerjaan rumah dan pekerjaan sawah, hingga terkadang lupa dalam mengajarkan anak tentang ibadah dan kadang anak juga terlalu sibuk bermain dengan teman-temannya hingga jarang belajar di rumah, tetapi ada juga solusi yang saya lakukan ketika saya tidak ada untuk anak saya yaitu, menyempatkan diri untuk membimbing anak dalam pembelajaran ibadah walaupun waktuya sedikit.</p> <p> </p>Sry Anita RachmanMariatun Mariatun
Copyright (c) 2024 Sry Anita Rachman, Mariatun
2024-12-232024-12-23541538154410.55681/jige.v5i4.3384Politik Uang Pada Pemilihan Umum
<p>Money politics has always been a hot topic of discussion for various groups in every moment of discussion by political observers, academics, election activists, anti-corruption activists, at various events organized by election organizing institutions, in various activities carried out by organizations, both mass organizations or non-governmental organizations, even to community discussions, especially around the time of the election or regional election.The behavior of society towards the current election is still less concerned about an honest and fair election, this can be seen from the phenomenon of money politics that occurs in our society. This research method uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Examining what actually happened</p>Lalu Yoga VanditaHirmayadi Saputra
Copyright (c) 2024 Lalu Yoga Vandita, Hirmayadi Saputra
2024-12-232024-12-23541545155110.55681/jige.v5i4.3382Analysis of Vulnerability and Effesctiveness of Strengthening Community Collaboration in Disaster Mitigation in Bukit Lawang Plantation Tourism Village, Bahorok District, Langkat Regency
<p>Flooding is one of the unexpected natural phenomena that often occurs in all parts of Indonesia, one of which is in the tourist village of Bukit Lawang Plantation. Precisely on November 2, 2003, a flash flood occurred. Therefore, at this time the flood hazard in Bukit Lawang Plantation Village is clearly visible, it is necessary to know how vulnerable the flood danger is in Bahorok district, so that the community can anticipate and be vigilant if the flood disaster occurs again. This study aims to analyze the vulnerability and effectiveness of strengthening community collaboration in disaster mitigation in Bukit Lawang Plantation Village, Bahorok District, Langkat Regency. This area is one of the ecotourism destinations that is prone to flood disasters, especially flash floods that have occurred several times. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection through interviews, field observations, and documentation studies. This study identifies various factors that affect the level of vulnerability of communities to disasters, including physical, social, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities. The results of the study show that collaboration between the local community, the government, and related parties in disaster mitigation in Bukit Lawang Village has not been optimal. Despite several mitigation efforts such as riverbank elevation and disaster preparedness training, communities still face high risks due to a lack of effective coordination and engagement. In addition, community vulnerability is exacerbated by limited access to mitigation resources and a lack of understanding of disaster risk. This study recommends increasing more effective collaboration between local communities, governments, and the private sector through community-based mitigation programs, which involve disaster education, capacity building, and better infrastructure planning. Strengthening this collaboration is expected to increase community resilience to future disaster threats and support the sustainability of ecotourism in Bukit Lawang.</p> <p> <em> </em></p>Hetty Claudia NainggolanFemmy Indriany DalimuntheRudi PrastiaBeatrice Jennifer SimamoraSasdotio Yen Marlina Sihite
Copyright (c) 2024 Hetty Claudia Nainggolan, Femmy Indriany Dalimunthe, Rudi Prastia, Beatrice Simamora, Sasdotio Yen Marlina Sihite
2024-12-232024-12-23541552156310.55681/jige.v5i4.3290Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Pendidikan Multikultural
<p><em>Transformational leadership, as one of the most studied leadership theories, has great potential to support and strengthen the implementation</em><em> of multicultural education. Transformational leadership is characterized by a leader's ability to inspire, motivate and empower followers to achieve positive change and improved performance. Multicultural education is urgently implemented in Indonesia by considering the diversity of cultures, ethnicities, races and religions that surround it. This article discusses a school leadership model that is expected to design, foster, implement and maintain a multicultural culture in schools which in turn can form students' personalities who are friendly and respectful of differences and diversity. The author uses the literature study method by reviewing 20 journals divided into 10 national and 10 international journals. Data collection is done by sorting reference sources and scientific literature related to theories of school leadership, transformational leadership models and multicultural education, then reviewing and analyzing and presenting them in a systematic arrangement. The conclusion in this article states that transformational leadership by school principals is very important to improve the quality of education and encourage continuous improvement in schools. Principals' exemplary behaviors, such as punctuality, cleanliness and proactive problem-solving, earn them respect and positively influence school culture. Multicultural leadership in schools is interpreted as the extent to which principals implement policies, regulations and initiatives that promote a multicultural culture that is not limited to written documents but also includes the enforcement of rules and regulations.</em></p>Raden Inton Tyas SupraptoNunuk HariyatiUtari DewiAmrozi KhamidiKaniati Amalia
Copyright (c) 2024 Raden Inton Tyas Suprapto, Nunuk Hariyati, Utari Dewi, Amrozi Khamidi, Kaniati Amalia
2024-12-242024-12-24541564157710.55681/jige.v5i4.3334Konsep dan Teori Kurikulum PAI di Sekolah dan Madrasah
<p>Islamic Religious Education (PAI) plays an important role in shaping the character of Indonesian students, both in public schools and madrasahs. The goal of the PAI curriculum is to form students who are obedient and respectful to Allah SWT and are able to apply Islamic principles in everyday life. This article discusses the concepts and theories that support the development of the PAI curriculum, such as constructivism, perennialism, essentialism, and progressivism. In addition, this article discusses the implementation of the PAI curriculum in schools and madrasahs, as well as the challenges and solutions in the field. The research findings show that, although there are differences in the way the PAI curriculum is implemented in schools and madrasahs, both have the same goal, namely to form noble students. The main considerations in developing the PAI curriculum are teacher quality, curriculum standards, and the integration of Islamic principles. The solutions used include.</p>Zulkifli ZulkifliAgus PahrudinAgus JatmikoKoderi Koderi
Copyright (c) 2024 Zulkifli, Agus Pahrudin, Agus Jatmiko, Koderi
2024-12-242024-12-24541578159310.55681/jige.v5i4.3383Konsep Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Hakikat Penciptaan Alam Semesta dalam Membentuk Generasi Peduli lingkungan di SD Negeri 136 Palembang
<p><em>Transformational leadership, as one of the most studied leadership theories, has great potential to support and strengthen the implementation</em><em> of multicultural education. Transformational leadership is characterized by a leader's ability to inspire, motivate and empower followers to achieve positive change and improved performance. Multicultural education is urgently implemented in Indonesia by considering the diversity of cultures, ethnicities, races and religions that surround it. This article discusses a school leadership model that is expected to design, foster, implement and maintain a multicultural culture in schools which in turn can form students' personalities who are friendly and respectful of differences and diversity. The author uses the literature study method by reviewing 20 journals divided into 10 national and 10 international journals. Data collection is done by sorting reference sources and scientific literature related to theories of school leadership, transformational leadership models and multicultural education, then reviewing and analyzing and presenting them in a systematic arrangement. The conclusion in this article states that transformational leadership by school principals is very important to improve the quality of education and encourage continuous improvement in schools. Principals' exemplary behaviors, such as punctuality, cleanliness and proactive problem-solving, earn them respect and positively influence school culture. Multicultural leadership in schools is interpreted as the extent to which principals implement policies, regulations and initiatives that promote a multicultural culture that is not limited to written documents but also includes the enforcement of rules and regulations.</em></p>Muhamad Yudistira NugrahaAbu MansurDeri Wanto
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Yudistira Nugraha, Abu Mansur, Deri Wanto
2024-12-262024-12-26541594160310.55681/jige.v5i4.3339Sejarah dan Praktek Manajemen ZISWAF di Indonesia
<p><em>This study examines the history and management practices of ZISWAF (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Waqf) in Indonesia through literature studies using secondary data from various library sources, reports of zakat institutions, and interviews with zakat managers and beneficiaries. The results of the study show that the management of ZISWAF in Indonesia has undergone a significant evolution from the Dutch colonial period to the modern era. These developments include five important periods: the Dutch colonial period with the issuance of Ordinance No. 6200, the Old Order period which was marked by efforts to integrate zakat in the state system, the New Order period with the establishment of BAZIS, the era of Law No. 38 of 1999 which provided a formal legal basis for zakat management, to the era of Law No. 23 of 2011 which strengthened the zakat management system with Islamic sharia principles. trust, utility, justice, legal certainty, integrated, and accountability.</em></p>Eli FebrianiKiky Razroma YantikaNurvina HidayatiAidil Alfin
Copyright (c) 2024 Eli Febriani, Kiky Razroma Yantika, Nurvina Hidayati, Aidil Alfin
2024-12-262024-12-26541604161510.55681/jige.v5i4.3344Pengaruh Brand Awareness, Harga Dan Promosi Media Sosial Melalui Instagram Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Jilbab UmamaDengan Religiusitas Sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi Kasus : Mahasiswa UIN Sjech M.Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi)
<p>The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of <em>Brand Awareness, </em>Price and Social Media Promotion on purchase decisions, and to estimate <em>religiosity</em> to moderate the relationship between <em>Brand Awareness, </em>Price and Social Media Promotion on the purchase decision of Umama Hijab in UIN Sjech M.Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi Students.The research method uses a quantitative method with <em>Correlation Research</em>.the number of samples was 210 students of UIN Sjech M.Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi. The sampling technique uses <em>Purposive sampling. </em>The data analysis used in this study is the <em>Warp Partial Least Square program </em> with the help of Warppls 7.0 software.The results of the study showed that <em>Brand Awareness</em> was Positive and Significant towards Purchase Decision with a β value of 0.51 and a P-Value of 0.01 small from 0.05 with a contribution by an R2 value of 0.26 which means that the contribution <em> of Brand Awareness </em>to the decision was 26%. Price has a positive and significant effect on the Purchase Decision with a β value of 0.43 and a P-Value of 0.01 less than 0.05 with a contribution by an R2 value of 0.19 which means that the contribution of Price to the purchase decision is 19%. Social media promotion has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Decisions with a β value of 0.53 and a P-Value of 0.01 less than 0.05 with a contribution by an R2 value of 0.28 which means that the contribution of Social Media Promotion to the purchase decision is 28%. <em>Religiosity </em>was able to moderate the influence of <em>Brand Awareness </em>on Purchase Decisions with a <em>moderation effect coefficient </em>of 0.16 and a value and P-Value of 0.01 less than 0.05 with a <em>moderation effect </em> contribution shown by an R2 value of 0.28 (28%). <em>Religiosity </em>moderated the influence of Price on Purchase Decisions with a <em>moderation effect coefficient </em>of 0.20 and a value and P-Value of 0.01 less than 0.05 with a contribution to <em>the moderation effect </em>shown by the R2 value of 0.22 (22%).<em>Religiosity </em>moderated the influence of Social Media Preferences on Purchase Decisions with <em> a moderation effect coefficient </em>of 0.19 and a value and P-Value of 0.01 less than 0.05 with a <em>moderation effect </em> contribution shown by an R2 value of 0.31 (31%).</p>Yolanda EffendyAsyari Asyari
Copyright (c) 2024 Yolanda Effendy, Asyari
2024-12-262024-12-26541616162610.55681/jige.v5i4.3351Efek profitabilitas Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Struktur Permodalan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi (Studi Empiris: Bank Umum Syariah Indonesia)
<p>Profitability is one of the factors influencing a company's value, and higher profitability accelerates the growth rate of assets in Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia. The objective of this study is to estimate the mediating effect through the Capital Adequacy Ratio variable, which represents the interaction pattern in explaining how Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) affect Price Book Value (PBV). This research utilizes Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis using WarpPLS 8.0. The study involved 12 respondents from Sharia Commercial Banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, selected through purposive sampling. The findings indicate a partial mediating effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) in the relationship between ROA, ROE, and PBV. Based on the testing and discussion of the findings regarding the mediating effect of CAR in the relationship between ROA, ROE, and PBV in Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia, CAR partially mediates the relationship between ROA, ROE, and PBV as indicated by the Variance Accounted For (VAF). This relationship enriches the understanding that the positive effect of profitability on company value is mediated by the CAR process. The company's value is viewed through its ability to maintain CAR. Scientifically, this research contributes to the understanding of capital structure in business or banking, serving as a reference for companies and banks to enhance corporate value and profitability year after year by maintaining an optimal capital structure that avoids bankruptcy and strengthens capitalization.</p>Mesis RawatiHesi Eka Puteri
Copyright (c) 2024 Mesis Rawati, Hesi Eka Puteri
2024-12-262024-12-26541627164210.55681/jige.v5i4.3352Pengaruh Maqashid Syariah Index Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Ukuran Perusahaan Sebagai Variabel Moderasi
<p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the maqashid sharia index on the value of companies with company size as a moderation variable in the Jakarta Islamic index (JII). This research is classified as quantitative research, the research data collected is secondary data sourced from each annual report/company financial report with a ratio scale. The population in this study is companies that are consistently included in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) stock exchange during the 2019-2023 period, while the data analysis technique carried out is differential analysis consisting of pre-research tests, MRA results and hypothesis tests. The data analysis in this study used SPSS software version The results of this study show the influence of . The maqashid sharia index has a positive and significant effect on the value of the company with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05.The size of the company has a positive effect but is not able to moderate the relationship of the maqashid sharia index to the value of the company with a significance value of 0.180 > 0.05.</em></p>Rayzul HawariHesi Eka Puteri
Copyright (c) 2024 Rayzul Hawari, Hesi Eka Puteri
2024-12-262024-12-26541643164810.55681/jige.v5i4.3354Pengaruh Bahasa Tabu Dalam Bahasa Sasak Terhadap Perkembangan Bahasa Anak di Desa Jero Puri (Kajian Psikolinguistik)
<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Taboo language is a type of language that is prohibited to use in everyday communication. In addition to violating the ethics of politeness in communication, it is also very worrying if spoken to children because it can affect the development of the child's language. The influence of taboo language in Bahasa Sasak on the development of children's language is the focus of this study. The purpose of this study is to describe the influence of taboo language in Bahasa Sasak on the development of children's language in Jero Puri Village (Psycholinguistic study). This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study use interview, recording, and tapping techniques. The results of this study are: (1) family domain, taboo language that is often spoken in the family domain such as: godek, basong, bawi, batu mate, tolang tele ninaq; (2) community domain, taboo language is also often spoken in the community environment such as: setan, ubek, basong. In conclusion, the influence of taboo language in Bahasa Sasak on the development of children's language is in the family and community domains. Several families and the community in general often speak the language.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong></p> <p><em>Taboo Language, Children’s Language Development, Bahasa Sasak</em></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Bahasa tabu merupakan jenis bahasa yang dilarang untuk digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari. Selain melanggar etika sopan santun dalam komunikasi, juga sangat dikhawatirkan bila diucapkan kepada anak-anak karena dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan bahasa anak tersebut. Pengaruh bahasa tabu dalam bahasa sasak terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tentang pengaruh bahasa tabu dalam bahasa Sasak terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak di Desa Jero Puri (Kajian psikolinguistik). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara, rekam, dan sadap. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) ranah keluarga, bahasa tabu yang sering diucapkan dalam ranah keluarga seperti: <em>godek, basong, bawi, batu mate, tolang tele ninaq</em>; (2) ranah masyarakat, bahasa tabu juga kerap diucapkan dalam lingkungan masyarakat seperti: <em>setan, ubek, basong</em>. Kesimpulannya, pengaruh bahasa tabu dalam bahasa sasak terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak terdapat dalam ranah keluarga dan masyarakat. Beberapa keluarga dan masyarakat secara umum kerap mengucapkan bahasa tersebut.</p>Agus Darma PutraBaiq Yulia Kurnia WahidahJuni Mahsusi
Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Darma Putra, Baiq Yulia Kurnia Wahidah, Juni Mahsusi
2024-12-262024-12-26541649165410.55681/jige.v5i4.3357Bad Credit Problems in Financing Institutions In Makassar City
<p><em>This study focuses on the study of the Problem of Bad Loans of Financial Institutions in various agreements and the factors that affect the creation of bad loans in various agreements in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province. The type of research is empirical legal research (nondoctrinal), which is research that observes social phenomena in society, in this case the problem of bad loans of financial institutions in various agreements. In addition, it also examines the factors that affect the occurrence of bad loans at financing institutions in various agreements in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province. The influencing factors are, standard contract (regulation) factors, provit, legal awareness, business failure and the Covid 19 factor. The results of the study concluded that 1). The frequency or quantity of bad loans at financial institutions in Makassar City is quite high. 2). Factors that affect the occurrence of bad loans at financial institutions in Makassar City are standard contract (regulation) factors, provit, legal awareness, business failure and the Covid 19 factor.</em></p>Syahruddin NawiMirnawati WahabMuh. Arief
Copyright (c) 2024 Syahruddin Nawi, Mirnawati Wahab, Muh. Arief
2024-12-272024-12-27541655166210.55681/jige.v5i4.3376Cultural Heritage Management of Local Product "Ale": A Strategy for Digital Era Documenting and Preservation of Local Wisdom
<p><em>The cultural history of the indigenous product 'Ale' a mat constructed from a plant analogous to rice, constitutes a significant aspect of the ancestral wisdom transmitted through generations within Toraja civilization. Nonetheless, throughout time, its preservation and maintenance encounter numerous obstacles, particularly in sustaining its viability in the digital age. This project seeks to discover solutions for managing the cultural legacy of 'Ale' products through proper documentation and the preservation of local wisdom. This research employs a qualitative methodology, utilizing data collection approaches such as interviews, observations, and documentary analysis. The research findings indicate that digital technologies, including social media platforms and web-based applications, can effectively document and present 'Ale' items to a global audience. Moreover, collaboration among local communities, scholars, and the government is essential for preserving the sustainability of 'Ale' products and the indigenous knowledge they embody. This research advances the formulation of technology-driven solutions for the protection of cultural assets in the future.</em></p>Mersilina L. PatintinganYulius PakidingErnita Pare
Copyright (c) 2024 Mersilina L. Patintingan, Yulius Pakiding, Ernita Pare
2024-12-272024-12-27541663166810.55681/jige.v5i4.3377Dispensasi Hukum Perkawinan di Bawah Umur Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Hukum Nasional
<p><em>Article 7 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 16 of 2019 stipulates that the minimum age for marriage is 19 years. However, marriages below this age are still possible through a dispensation regulated by law. This study analyzes the perspectives of Islamic law and national law regarding marriage dispensations following the amendment to the minimum marriage age in Law Number 16 of 2019. Additionally, this study evaluates the impact of the amendment. The method used is normative legal research, focusing on the study of legal rules and principles. Based on the research findings, Islamic law tends to be more flexible in granting dispensations, while national law has become stricter following the amendment. The impact of the minimum marriage age change is reflected in the decline in the number of dispensation requests, indicating increased public awareness of the importance of education and delaying marriage. This change is expected to support the development of future generations' quality.</em></p>Ahmad AfandiMuhammad Erfan Muktasim BillahMahfudz Siddiq
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Afandi, Muhammad Erfan Muktasim Billah, Mahfudz Siddiq
2024-12-272024-12-27541669167810.55681/jige.v5i4.3395Pengelolaan Masjid Kampus Sebagai Laboratorium Pendidikan Karakter
<p><em>Today, character education is an urgent need for the Indonesian nation due to the moral degradation that has infected the community even among students. The campus mosque is a place to foster strategic quality people in the formation of student character. The purpose of this study was to determine the management and role of campus mosques in shaping student character at Duta Bangsa University Surakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are First, forming a mosque board. Second, formulating the vision, mission, values and goals of the mosque as a character education laboratory. Third, compiling a mosque activity program as a character education laboratory. Fourth, implementing the mosque activity program as a character education laboratory. Fifth, assessing the success of the mosque activity program as a character education laboratory. Campus mosques at Duta Bangsa University Surakarta, which are currently spread across three locations and have various programs and activities that have been recognized for their benefits, can take on the role of a character education laboratory.</em></p>Nur HadiPuput Mulyono
Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hadi, Puput Mulyono
2024-12-272024-12-27541679168510.55681/jige.v5i4.3396Mitigasi Bencana Abrasi Berbasis Keanekaragaman Vegetasi Mangrove di Pesisir Pantai Bagik Batu, Jerowaru
<p><em>Mangrove vegetation has an important role in maintaining the stability of coastal ecosystems in preventing abrasion. One of them is in the Bagik Batu Beach Coastal area, Jerowaru with various types of mangrove vegetation. This study aims to determine the density level of mangrove vegetation types in mangroves in abrasion mitigation on the coast of Bagik Batu Beach. The research uses the Belt Transect method. In each plot, 3 measuring plots were made, namely 10 x 10 m (for trees) with a diameter (20 ≤ DBH < 35 cm), 5 x 5 m (stakes) with a diameter (2 ≤ DBH < 20 cm), and 2 x 2 m (for seedlings) with a diameter (DBH < 2 cm). Based on the results of the study, 9 species of mangroves were found, namely 5 species of true mangroves (Major) and 4 species of mangroves (Minor), including; Avicennia alba, sonneratia alba, Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora apiculata, Calotropis gigantea, Lumnitzera racemosa, Jatropha gossypiifolia, Samanea saman and Azadirachta indica. Avicennia alba with the most species with the relative density of seedlings (39.68%), relative density of stakes (22.45%), relative density of trees (17.06%).</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Irwansah IrwansahUsman UsmanMuh. Zaini Hasanul MuttaqinErmila Mahariyanti
Copyright (c) 2024 Irwansah, Usman Usman, Muh. Zaini Hasanul Muttaqin, Ermila Mahariyanti
2024-12-272024-12-27541686169210.55681/jige.v5i4.3494Evaluasi Penerapan Metode Full Costing Terhadap Akurasi Penetapan Harga Pokok Produksi Pada Sektor Peternakan Ayam Petelur
<p><em>This study aims to analyse the application of the full costing method in determining the cost of production at UD. Barokah Jaya, a layer chicken farming business located in Malang Regency. The urgency of this research arises from the need to understand how effective cost management can increase business profitability, especially in the context of increasingly fierce competition in the livestock industry. The research method used was qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews with owners and employees, direct observation of the production process, and documentation of the company's financial and operational data. Data analysis was conducted by categorising the information obtained, identifying cost components, and comparing the results of calculations using the full costing method with previously applied methods. The research findings show that the application of the full costing method provides a more comprehensive picture of production costs, thus assisting management in making more informed selling price decisions. The results and discussion indicate that by using this method, UD. Barokah Jaya can identify cost components more accurately, improve operational efficiency, and maximise profitability. As a recommendation, it is suggested that the company continue to implement and develop the full costing method, as well as conduct training for employees related to cost management to improve financial performance in the future. This research is expected to serve as a guide for similar businesses in applying more effective methods in cost management</em></p>Ahmad SubaidiFadlil AbdaniHafidhun Annas
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Subaidi, Fadlil Abdani, Hafidhun Annas
2024-12-292024-12-29541693170610.55681/jige.v5i4.3418The Effectiveness of PAI Learning Innovation through Game Integration and Ice Breaker according to the principal of SMAN Central of Lombok
<p><em>This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning innovations through the integration of games and ice breakers in State High Schools of Central Lombok Regency. By adopting a qualitative approach, this research involves in-depth interviews with school principals as well as observations on the implementation of these innovations in the classroom. The results show that the integration of games and ice breakers in PAI learning not only increases students' interest and motivation, but also creates a more interactive and fun learning atmosphere. The principal stated that this innovation has succeeded in reducing student boredom in the learning process and increasing their engagement. In addition, the results of the evaluation showed a significant increase in understanding of the teaching material. This study recommends the application of similar innovations in other schools to improve the quality of PAI learning.</em></p>Syarif HidayatullahMuhammad MuhammadS. Ali Jadid Al Idrus
Copyright (c) 2024 Syarif Hidayatullah, Muhammad, S. Ali Jadid Al Idrus
2024-12-292024-12-29541707171610.55681/jige.v5i4.3451A Visual Hermeneutics Study of Political Ads in Governor Election Campaigns on Instagram
<p><em>The increasing use of social media, particularly Instagram, as a primary platform for political campaigns demands an in-depth understanding of how visual elements influence public perception. This study addresses two main research problems: first, what meanings are embedded in the images of gubernatorial political advertisements on Instagram? Second, how can a hermeneutic approach uncover the visual dimensions within such campaigns? The purpose of this study is to analyze the visual messages in gubernatorial political campaigns on Instagram and understand the contextualization and visual interpretation of political advertisements using a hermeneutic approach. Using a qualitative method based on visual hermeneutics, data in the form of political advertisement images were analyzed through visual mapping and semantic interpretation. The results show that campaign advertisements featuring the gubernatorial candidate alongside the music group Slank successfully built a connection between the candidate and strong social and cultural identities, particularly among young voters. Visual elements such as facial expressions, color schemes, and image composition reinforced the political message and created an image of the candidate as a progressive figure closely connected to the community. Hermeneutic analysis further revealed that these advertisements not only conveyed political messages but also constructed cultural narratives linking the candidate to values of change and solidarity. This study contributes to enriching the understanding of the role of visual elements in political campaigns on social media and demonstrates how these elements can be strategically utilized to shape public perception, enhance the candidate's image, and influence voter preferences in an increasingly digital and visual electoral context.</em></p>Atika Salman ParisNuruddin NuruddinNurlaila HasanahHendra Suryadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Atika Salman Paris, Nuruddin Nuruddin, Nuralfi Lail
2024-12-312024-12-31541618162410.55681/jige.v5i4.3503The Representation of Islam in European Parliament Sessions: A Corpus Study of ‘Europarl 3: German’
<p><em>This study investigates the representation of Islam in European Parliament sessions using the Europarl 3: German corpus, focusing on collocations related to Islam to understand their associated sentiments and semantic distributions. Political discourse plays a critical role in shaping public perceptions, and Islam is often framed within the context of security and conflict in contemporary European narratives. This study aims to explore two key aspects: (1) the sentiments associated with collocations related to Islam in European Parliament sessions, and (2) the semantic categorization of these collocations within the corpus. Using collocation and concordance analysis via Corpus Query Processing (CQP), the study finds that themes with absolute negative sentiments are predominantly associated with the term Terrorismus 'terrorism,' which is frequently linked to Islam. However, some other collocations reveal variations in sentiment, including the presence of limited but notable positive sentiments. The study also categorizes these collocations into semantic groups based on established corpus linguistics frameworks, identifying patterns of representation that indicate bias in political discourse toward Islam. These findings highlight the securitization of Islam in political narratives, which may reinforce negative stereotypes and contribute to social polarization. Nevertheless, the existence of references with positive sentiments suggests opportunities to promote more balanced and constructive discourse. This study underscores the importance of inclusive political language to foster social cohesion. Future research is recommended to expand the corpus to other languages, conduct longitudinal analyses, and further explore positive narratives related to Islam to achieve a more balanced political discourse in Europe</em></p>Tri Edliani LestariMiftahulkhairah AnwarPrihantoro Prihantoro
Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Edliani Lestari, Miftahulkhairah Anwar, Prihantoro
2024-12-312024-12-31541625163310.55681/jige.v5i4.3504Analisis Strategi Linguistik Richard Eliezer: Penggunaan Frasa "Tidak Tahu" dan "Saya Rasa" di Pengadilan.
<p><em>Language serves as a strategic tool for managing legal and emotional pressures during trials. This study focuses on the use of the phrases "tidak tahu" and "saya rasa" in Richard Eliezer's testimony in the Brigadier J case, reflecting defensive communication strategies. The issues examined are how these phrases are used to evade legal responsibility and how emotional pressure influences speech patterns. Using a descriptive quantitative and qualitative approach, the results indicate that the phrase “tidak tahu" (used 41 times) is employed to avoid accountability, while "saya rasa" (used 4 times) reflects subjective opinions aimed at risk mitigation. These findings reveal a close relationship between the emotional pressure experienced by the witness and their language choices, as well as the importance of linguistic analysis in understanding legal communication.</em></p>Jefriyanto SaudMiftahulkhairah AnwarPrihantoro Prihantoro
Copyright (c) 2024 Jefriyanto Saud, Miftahulkhairah Anwar, Prihantoro