Devote : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Atika Salman Paris, M.Pd Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Devote : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global</strong> is published by LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global. This journal is aimed at publishing the results of the community service activity related to the development and application of science and technology, including concepts, models, and its implementation as an effort to enhance community participation in development. Starting from the year 2024, this journal is published quarterly a year (<strong>March, June, September,</strong> and <strong>December</strong>) with online version <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>E-ISSN: 2962-4029</strong></a>.</p> DETEKSI DINI DAN EDUKASI MENGENAI PERAN FISIOTERAPI PADA SCOLIOSIS DI POLI REHAB MEDIK RSUD SALATIGA 2024-03-05T21:00:34+07:00 Alifah Athiyaturrofi Arin Supriyadi Reza Arshad Yanuar <p><em>People in general still think that scoliosis is not a big problem. In fact, the effects of scoliosis itself are not small; they can carry risks such as unstable balance and musculoskeletal disorders. If left too long, it will cause various problems, namely pain, cosmetically disturbing deformities, functional obstacles, lung problems, the possibility of progression into adulthood, and psychological disorders. This activity aims to introduce what scoliosis is and provide education about the role of physiotherapy to patients at the Medical Rehab Clinic at Salatiga Regional Hospital. After carrying out community service on November 16, 2023, the results showed that patient knowledge about scoliosis and the role of physiotherapy in scoliosis increased. This activity is provided in the form of community service, where the participants are patients of the Medical Rehab Polyclinic at Salatiga Regional Hospital. The education provided is in the form of early detection and education regarding the role of scoliosis physiotherapy. Based on the data obtained, the counseling that has been given has had a positive impact on patient knowledge; this can be seen in the enthusiasm and question-and-answer process. The author hopes that this service will continue to have a positive impact on patients and that patients will always maintain their posture with the exercises that have been taught</em></p> 2024-03-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alifah Athiyaturrofi, Arin Setyadi, Reza Arshad Yanuar PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI DAN KUALITAS MAHASISWA PGSD MELALUI SEMINAR RPP GUNA MENYUSUN INOVASI MASA ADAPTASI 2024-03-12T15:59:17+07:00 Frida Destini Nelly Astuti Jody Setya Hermawan <p><em>Based on the results of observations at the PGSD study program at the University of Lampung, there are still many students who do not understand what a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) is, and how to make a good Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). This activity aims to enable students as the future generation of Indonesian teachers to create and understand what a RPP is. Methods of activities in this socialization or training include lecture methods, question and answer, and giving examples. Quantitatively, this seminar can produce students who are competent and able to organize a series of student learning activities properly and correctly. Meanwhile, qualitatively, this activity was attended by more than 89 PGSD students at Lampung University, Metro campus, and the students felt they had gained the knowledge, skills, and experience they needed. The activities are progressing well but are still not fully able to achieve the previously determined targets. It is necessary to follow up and develop similar training for other programs based on field needs.</em></p> 2024-03-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Frida Destini, Nelly Astuti, Jody Setya Hermawan PSIKOEDUKASI MINAT BACA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN KOGNITIF PADA ANAK DI SENTRA WIRAJAYA MAKASSAR DENGAN PENERAPAN MEDIA PUZZLE BERBASIS PENDEKATAN BEHAVIORISTIK 2024-03-12T16:02:48+07:00 Nur Akmal Nur Afif Andi Saputri Dilla Wa Ode Marwa Samsalwa <p><em>Education is very important for children. One of the factors that children must have is cognitive ability in reading. This activity focuses on Children Against the Law (ABH) at Sentra Wirajaya Makassar, who have not and still lack reading skills totaling 3 people. This activity aims to provide psychoeducation and also improve children's reading skills using puzzle media. This activity was carried out in two steps, namely psychoeducation activities, and experiments using puzzle media as the treatment given to children. The experimental implementation method used was pre-experimental with a one-group pre-posttest design. Participants in this activity amounted to 5 children. Based on the results obtained from this activity, it shows that the application of puzzle media is proven to be able to improve cognitive abilities in terms of reading.</em></p> 2024-03-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Akmal, Nur Afif, Andi Saputri Dilla, Wa Ode Marwa Samsalwa PENCEGAHAN STUNTING PADA SISWA MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAAH NURUL MAGFIRAH KENDARI DENGANPEMBERIAN OBAT PENCEGAHAN MASSAL (POPM) 2024-03-12T16:06:38+07:00 Asriullah Jabbar Nasrudin Nasrudin Halik Halik Wahyuni Wahyuni Fadhliyah Malik Nur Illiyyin Akib Suryani Suryani Dian Munasari Solo Nurramadhani A. Sida Mubarak Mubarak Muhammad Ilyas Y <p><em>Helminthiasis is a health problem that affects many children, especially elementary school. Helminthiasis can cause malnutrition because all nutrients are absorbed by worms, which will disrupt the mental and physical development of children, make children easily sick due to a decrease in their immune system, stunting or physical children become shorter and smaller than their peers, reduce children's intelligence and in some cases can also cause death in children. The purpose of this community service is the prevention and control of helminthiasis infection through the provision of mass preventive medicine for helminthiasis to prevent stunting in elementary school at Madrasah Ibtidaiyaah Nurul Magfirah Kendari. </em><em>The method used, namely providing material about helminthiasis accompanied by giving deworming drugs to students. This service is in collaboration with the Health Team of Puskesmas Lepo Lepo Kendari.</em></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Asriullah Jabbar, Nasrudin Nasrudin, Halik Halik, Wahyuni Wahyuni, Fadhliyah Malik, Nur Illiyyin Akib, Suryani Suryani, Dian Munasari Solo, Nurramadhani A. Sida, Mubarak Mubarak, Muhammad Ilyas Y CHILD SAFEGUARDING POLICY IN LEMBAGA PENYELENGGARA KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL (LPKS) 2024-03-12T16:16:32+07:00 Bambang Tri Hartono <p><em>Lembaga Penyelenggaraan Kesejahteraan Sosial (LPKS) is an institution that organizes social rehabilitation programs for children in conflict with the law. LPKS applies a social work and child rights approach to achieve children's social functioning, growth, and development in a safe environment while participating in social rehabilitation programs. LPKS chose the Child Safeguarding Policy (CSP) to uphold a safe environment. CSP is a system or collection of activities, procedures, documents, and responses in addressing child protection issues in the context of the institution. It covers a range of activities from prevention to response to child abuse issues. This article aims to describe the process of the Social Welfare Institution in implementing the Child Protection Policy. This article is a qualitative article based on the framework of constructivism and interpretivism, using ethnographic methods. Its selection is based on the benefits of collecting information through involvement in implementation, participatory observation, field notes, and report documents. The process of LPKS in implementing the Child Protection Policy implies (1) the role of leaders in demonstrating the commitment of the institution to protecting children from the risk of abuse, (2) the Child Protection Policy must be carried out integrally through awareness, prevention, reporting, and response to child abuse issues, (3) the Protection Policy must be carried out in an integrated manner.</em></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bambang Tri Hartono PERANAN PROMOSI PRODUK DAN PELAYANAN KLIEN DALAM RANGKA PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN USAHA PADA SASH BEAUTY STUDIO DI KOTA DENPASAR 2024-03-18T09:42:39+07:00 I Gusti Ayu Oka Netrawati I Gusti Agung Didit Eka Permadi Asri Oktiani Syarifah Massuki Fitri Ni Wayan Nadia Sari Dina Yuliartika Shanianingrat Shanianingrat <p><em>One of the rapid developments in the business world in Indonesia is in the beauty sector. This condition is characterized by intense business competition in the beauty sector. The increasing external need of humans is to always want to appear perfect in various circumstances. This is an incentive for the beauty business to continue to grow rapidly because demand for beauty continues to increase. </em><em>Sash Beauty Studio which is located on Jalan Kaliasem No. 14 Denpasar Timur is business participating salon services give color in competition beauty salon services in Denpasar City with put forward promotion through narrated experience​ by clients/customers. Because service best ever​ he obtained so that enhancement income business service the salon can keep going increase. </em><em>The marketing strategy that must be maintained based on the results of the SWOT analysis evaluation by Sash Beauty Studio and which has the most influence on the development of its business is the marketing strategy through social media Instagram and Facebook , namely uploading the results of make up and other beauty care activities in its salon as well as word of mouth or online marketing strategies such as mouth to mouth. </em><em>Sash Beauty Studio is best intertwine work the same partnership with company cosmetics and wedding organizer in Denpasar City.</em></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Gusti Ayu Oka Netrawati , I Gusti Agung Didit Eka Permadi, Asri Oktiani, Syarifah Massuki Fitri, Ni Wayan Nadia Sari, Dina Yuliartika, Shanianingrat Shanianingrat PSIKOEDUKASI PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN SOSIAL REMAJA: BAGAIMANA MENJADI ASERTIF? 2024-03-12T16:15:09+07:00 Siti Hajar Auliannisa Rifqah Nur Ridwan RR Atikah Puspita P <p><em>Social skills, including assertive behavior, are crucial for adolescents to establish healthy and successful social relationships in their surroundings. Psychoeducation is an effective effort in enhancing understanding and application of social skills, including assertive behavior, among adolescents. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of psychoeducation in improving understanding and application of assertive behavior among students of SMA Negeri 18 Makassar. This research method utilized a one group pretest-posttest design with 34 student participants. Data were collected through pretest and posttest using Google Form and analyzed with the Wilcoxon Test. The analysis results indicated a significant improvement (p=0.000 &lt;0.05) in understanding and application of assertive behavior based on the pretest and posttest results. In conclusion, psychoeducation is effective in enhancing understanding and application of assertive behavior among adolescents. Further efforts are needed to strengthen the social skills of adolescents, including assertive behavior, so that they can communicate and interact more effectively with their environment.</em></p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Hajar Auliannisa, Rifqah Nur Ridwan, RR Atikah Puspita P PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN CASH REGISTER BAGI PELAKU USAHA UMKM DI WILAYAH WISATA KEK MANDALIKA 2024-03-18T09:35:32+07:00 Saepul Pahmi Syarifah Massuki Fitri Widya Pratiwi Baiq Quratul Aini Yuspiadi Yuspiadi <p><em>The existence of MSMEs in Indonesia has been able to become an important pillar of the national economy for many years by absorbing labor, providing goods needed by the community, and contributing to the country through taxes. However, this does not mean that MSMEs are without obstacles and problems. One of the problems that MSMEs often face is the ability to prepare adequate financial reporting for themselves. The majority of MSMEs still have very little knowledge about bookkeeping, which is very important for the progress and development of MSMEs in the future. For this reason, the training activity on making cash registers for MSME business actors in the Mandalika SEZ area was held with the aim of helping to provide useful knowledge and knowledge for MSME business actors. The direct impact of this cash register training is that MSME business actors can understand how to compile a daily cash book which they need as important information so that they can continue to monitor and control the receipts and expenses of their business.</em></p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Saepul Pahmi, Syarifah Massuki Fitri, Widya Pratiwi, Baiq Quratul Aini, Yuspiadi Yuspiadi TRAINING INTCOM (INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION) MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS ORGANISASI HIMPUNAN MAHASISWA 2024-03-27T08:17:42+07:00 Dian Dwi Nur Rahmah Nirita Zahra Theresia Roselyn Amabilis Sarbiti Teluma Ken Affifa Olga Olivia Aldisa Nia Ariesma Nur Oktavia <p><em>Communication has a very strategic place in the management of an organization. One measure of the good and bad of the organization depends on the quality of communication. Interpersonal communication as a link between communicator and communicant, is considered to be the most effective communication to change one's attitude, opinion, or behavior. The purpose of this training is to understand the concept of interpersonal communication and improve interpersonal communication skills between members to create effective performance in the organization. The method used in this training program is experiential learning which is carried out face-to-face to members of the </em><em>Himpunan Mahasiswa Kedokteran Gigi Mulawarman University. The results of the training showed that there was an increase in understanding of interpersonal communication after being given training. This is evidenced based on the pre-test and post-test treatment with interpersonal communication training, the t-count result is -4.996 (&lt; t table = 1.688) with p = 0.000 (p&gt; 0.05) which means that there is a difference in the level of understanding of interpersonal communication in the Himpunan Mahasiswa Kedokteran Gigi Mulawarman University before and after being given treatment, namely with interpersonal communication training, and an increase in understanding by 10.6 percent. The Chairperson of the Dentistry Student Association provides feedback that members are more active in expressing opinions and can carry out interpersonal communication properly to improve the performance of the </em>Himpunan Mahasiswa Kedokteran Gigi.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Dwi Nur Rahmah, Nirita Zahra, Theresia Roselyn Amabilis Sarbiti Teluma, Ken Affifa, Olga Olivia Aldisa, Nia Ariesma Nur Oktavia PENGENALAN PENCATATAN AKUNTANSI KEPADA PEDAGANG KECIL DI WILAYAH PANTAI KUTA KEK MANDALIKA 2024-03-22T08:47:44+07:00 Muhammad Syukri Syarifah Massuki Fitri Faezal Faezal Luh Utami Intan Rizqina Nurlailah Nurlailah <p><em>Small traders are part of an economic life that deserves attention, through the sale of food, drinks to accessories on the beachside it has an impact on increasing individual income related to existing problems, the obstacles faced by small traders are the lack of capital and debts that are always increasing not proportional to the income earned, with this Community Service activity carried out to provide motivation and information about accounting and accounting records to small traders to be able to develop their business. The implementation method is carried out in three stages, namely, the first stage of observation and interviews regarding the problems faced by traders on the beach, the second stage of determining the implementation plan and the division of tasks to the Community Service team, the third stage of implementation with methods, namely, the first lecture and presentation method, the second with the question and answer method, and the last is the method of assistance in making accounting records. The results of this Community Service activity provide new information about accounting and recording for small traders where the traders participate in activities happily and are starting to be interested in recording in developing their business which has never been done, this is also because many small traders sell on the beach without sufficient provisions, not because they don't want to but because they don't want to do it.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Syukri, Syarifah Massuki Fitri, Faezal Faezal, Luh Utami, Intan Rizqina, Nurlailah Nurlailah PENYELESAIAN HUKUM KEKERASAN DALAM RUMAH TANGGA SECARA NONLITIGASI DI KELURAHAN TANJUNG RAJA KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN 2024-03-27T08:21:43+07:00 Serlika Aprita Hasanal Mulkan Syahriati Fakhriah Yonani Hasyim Desni Raspita Afaf Afaf Abdul Roni Jeni Anggita Chindy Aldhini <p><em>Violence that occurs in the household is more often experienced by women who here act as wives or children who are victims, while the perpetrators are dominated by men who act as husbands or children. Domestic violence can be caused by various factors, both internal and external within the household. Internal factors that can trigger domestic violence include the character of the perpetrator of violence who tends to be emotional, economic dependence, third parties in the household, economic conditions, and poor communication. Changes in mindsets in society, especially women, have now changed, this is proven by the increasing number of divorce lawsuits in court. This change in thinking seems to form a view that marriage is not a sacred thing so there is no need to fight for its integrity if differences are discovered. However, the problem of domestic violence can be resolved outside of court (non-litigation). This legal counseling activity on the legal resolution of domestic violence committed by husbands against wives outside the court in Tanjung Raja Village, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province is expected to provide understanding to the public about actions that constitute domestic violence and their negative effects. Apart from that, it is hoped that with this outreach, the public will understand that Domestic Violence (KDRT) can be resolved first through non-litigation or outside of court.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Serlika Aprita, Hasanal Mulkan, Syahriati Fakhriah, Yonani Hasyim, Desni Raspita, Afaf Afaf, Abdul Roni, Jeni Anggita, Chindy Aldhini